Simply Safety Training Centre
Location: Eir Code: A91R6T3
Contact us today:
Colm 086 0662520
Forklift Training Centre:
Tony 0876408991
Since 1998 it has been a legal requirement for all food businesses to have a food safety management system based on the principle of HACCP. Under current legislation, a food business is defined as "…any undertaking, whether for profit or not and whether public or private, carrying out any or all of the following: preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging, storing, transportation, distribution, handling or offering for sale or supply of foodstuffs"
HACCP – background
Management responsibilities & Food hygiene responsibilities
Pre-Requisite programme
Scope and product description
Flowchart Hazard analysis
Hazard control plans and Critical Control Points
Critical Limits and Corrective actions
System verification and Review
Records and documentation
Personnel working with food manufacturers processing meat and poultry, especially those with food safety, quality assurance, or quality compliance roles. Other food manufacturers not manufacturing​ these products will also benefit from this training that need a knowledge of HACCP. It is important that owners and staff of cafes, restaurants, kiosks and deli's are all aware of their legal obligation in relation to HACCP
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