Simply Safety Training Centre
Location: Eir Code: A91R6T3
Contact us today:
Colm 086 0662520
Forklift Training Centre:
Tony 0876408991
Upon completion of this course, each candidate will be able to understand the current relevant legislation in relation to manual handling in order to advise and ensure compliance with legislative requirements including training and the implementation of any necessary protective and preventative measures. Know the components that constitute the spinal system and the mechanisms for injury and an awareness of the need for good posture, fitness and flexibility and a realisation of any self-limiting. Understand the importance of ergonomics in relation to fitting the task to the person and to be able to identify the at-risk factors. Demonstrate the range of lifts involved in manual handling and to know, identify and be able to apply the correct and appropriate techniques and kinetic principles in a wide range of circumstances. Deliver manual handling training programmes that cater for the specific needs of the group and to ensure the participants understand and are able to implement the techniques they have learned in a manner that will minimise the risk of injury.
Health and Safety Practitioners or qualified Trainers or Sports Trainers who wish to deliver Manual Handling Training. Those wishing to deliver in-house certification for manual handling. Persons with an interest in delivering manual handling instruction.
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