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The objective of the Primary Course in Food Hygiene is to create an awareness and knowledge in food workers and others involved in providing services to the food industry of the reasons for, and the importance of good food hygiene practices. The course covers a broad range of subjects, including an overview of basic microbiology, food contamination, food hygiene law, personal hygiene, cleaning procedures and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). The course consists of 8 sessions, comprising of text and video presentations, (approximately 8 learning hours broken up into two four hour periods).

  • Session 1: FOOD HYGIENE This session highlights the value of good hygiene practices versus problems that can arise from poor hygiene practices, microbiology and the growth needs of bacteria.

  • Session 2: FOOD CONTAMINATION Physical, chemical, microbial contamination of food, the possible sources of these contaminants including how they enter the food chain from external or internal sources.

  • Session 3: FOOD DELIVERY AND STORAGE Deals with proper reception, handling and storage of food in the food premises.

  • Session 4: FOOD PROCESSING The importance of proper temperature control and implementing the requirements of Irish Standards.

  • Session 5: PERSONAL HYGIENE The law in relation to personal hygiene for food workers and good personal hygiene practices for food workers.

  • Session 6: DESIGN, LAYOUT OF FOOD PREMISES AND PEST CONTROL The structural requirements in food premises and the law in relation to the operation of a food premises.Pest Control explains the problems with common pests, including the recognition and prevention of infestations.

  • Session 7: CLEANING The importance of good cleaning procedures and cleaning programmes are highlighted.

  • Session 8: AN INTRODUCTION TO HAZARD ANALYSIS CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS OR HACCP This most important subject is approached in a clear, uncomplicated manner, designed to give the food worker the basic knowledge of how H.A.C.C.P. works and the role of the food worker in the operation of a successful H.A.C.C.P. system.




This course is designed for all employees new to the food industry. It is also suitable as a refresher course for existing food workers..

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